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„European Foundation for Social Activation EFAS”, whose flagship project is asperIT, is the work of people operating in the Polish IT industry as an entrepreneur since 2006. Some commercial projects that we have had the opportunity to implement over the years showed us the greatest needs on the Polish IT market. Wanting to implement an innovative project on a national scale, and at the same time socially responsible, the idea of activating people with Asperger Syndrome (from now on AS – Asperger Syndrome) and High-functioning Autism (HFA – High-Functioning Autism) arose. Outside Poland, people of this type are extremely sought-after specialists in the field of new technologies. This is due, among other things, to their unprecedented predisposition to develop in this professional direction.

In Poland, people with AS / HFA often do not work. No one can help them. It is a pity because many of them have extraordinary analytical, mathematical and IT skills. The problem of these people is low social competences. Also, the legislature still does not take the matter seriously. In fact, more and more is being said about autism and the Asperger Syndrome. However, it is still not enough. In 2016, the concept of 'a person with Asperger Syndrome’ was only officially introduced into the content of the Education Act. It follows that the school will be able to help autistic people find themselves in the labor market in 10-15 years. All the more so now adults who do not have adequate school education have a big problem. Research shows that the phenomenon is intensifying. Children with this type of illness are born more and more. So if nothing changes in Poland, in a few years there will be more and more people with AS / HFA who will not be professionally active. That is why we must act now.

Our goal is to create a recruitment and training program for people with Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism. Through innovative education methods, we will help these people to use their potential in the IT market. We want to contribute to the career development of these people, as well as to develop the Polish IT market to make it even more competitive for the rest of the world. We have an idea how to make people who use asperIT help be employed in the IT industry. It is here that their exceptional and above-average skills will give them decent and profitable employment.


Autor asperIT

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